Tuesday 14 February 2017

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Eine andere Garantie, dass die Interessen der Kunden während des Handels geschützt werden, ist die IQ-Optionsbeteiligung an Ausgleichsfonds, die speziell für den Schutz und die Sicherung von Kundenansprüchen in Fällen geschaffen wurden, in denen Makler nicht in der Lage sind, ihre finanziellen Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen Im Investor Compensation Fund ICF, Zypern. OUR BUSSINES MODEL. Unsere Geschäftsmodell basiert auf reinen Austauschregel - zu jedem Zeitpunkt und zu jedem Preis gibt es Händler, die bereit sind zu kaufen und es gibt Händler, die bereit sind zu verkaufen In einer idealen Situation die Positionen von Diejenigen, die kaufen und von denen, die verkaufen, sind gleich. Die Klärung erfolgt in unserem System und wir bekommen unsere Provision aus dem Handelsvolumen. In Fällen, in denen es Unterschiede zwischen den Käufern und den Verkäufern gibt, übergeben wir dieses Risiko an den Market Maker, der das Risiko abdeckt. Binärrechner unterschrieben. 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Die neuen Seidenstraße-Initiativen, auch bekannt als der One-Gürtel, ein Road-Plan, der von Präsident Xi Jinping im September 2013 vorgeschlagen wurde, wurden von über 60 Ländern beigetreten und werden ein Netzwerk wieder aufbauen und verstärken Von Land-und Seewege aus Ostasien in den Rest von Asien, Afrika und Europa Laos Forex Reserve China ist der weltweit größte Goldproduzent, und auch ein bedeutender Importeur und Forex Deutschland In einer Angelegenheit Von Monaten, es zerschneidet seine Devisenreserven in US 3 7 Billionen nach Mai Optionen Vs Wir handeln Binär für Sie Unter den 60 Ländern entlang der Seidenstraße sind zahlreiche asiatische Länder als wichtige Reserve-Basen und Verbraucher von Gold identifiziert. Learning Resources. 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Table of Contents. basename Gibt die hintere Name-Komponente des Pfads zurück. chgrp Änderungsdatei group. chmod Änderungsdatei mode. chown Änderungsdatei owner. clearstatcache Löscht den Dateistatus cache. copy Kopiert file. delete Siehe unlink oder unset. dirname Gibt ein übergeordnetes Verzeichnis zurück s path. diskfreespace Gibt den verfügbaren Speicherplatz auf Dateisystem oder Festplattenpartition zurück. Disktotalspace Gibt die Gesamtgröße eines Dateisystems oder der Festplatte partition. diskfreespace zurück Alias ​​von diskfreespace. fclose Schließt eine offene Datei pointer. feof Tests für End-of-Datei auf einer Datei poi Nter. fflush Spült die Ausgabe auf eine Datei. fgetc Ruft Zeichen aus Datei ab pointer. fgetcsv Ruft Zeile aus Datei Zeiger und Parse für CSV fields. fgets Ruft Zeile aus Datei pointer. fgetss Ruft Zeile aus Datei Zeiger und Streifen HTML-Tags. Fileexists Überprüft, ob Eine Datei oder ein Verzeichnis exists. filegetcontents Liest ganze Datei in einen string. fileputcontents Schreiben Sie eine Zeichenfolge an eine Datei. file Liest die gesamte Datei in ein array. fileatime Gibt die letzte Zugriffszeit von file. filectime Gibt die Inode-Änderungszeit von file. filegroup Ruft die Dateigruppe ab. fileinode Ruft Datei inode. filemtime Ruft Datei-Änderung time. fileowner Ruft Datei owner. fileperms Ruft Datei permissions. filesize Ruft Datei size. filetype Gets file type. flock Portable Beratungsdatei locking. fnmatch Match Dateiname gegen ein pattern. fopen Öffnet Datei oder URL. fpassthru Alle verbleibenden Daten auf einer Datei ausgeben pointer. fputcsv Formatzeile als CSV formatieren und in Datei schreiben pointer. fputs Alias ​​von fwrite. fread Binärsichere Datei read. fscanf Parsen Eingabe aus einer Datei nach einem Format. f Suche sucht auf einer Datei pointer. fstat Ruft Informationen über eine Datei mit einer geöffneten Datei ab pointer. ftell Liefert die aktuelle Position der Datei read write pointer. ftruncate Truncates eine Datei auf eine gegebene length. fwrite Binärsichere Datei write. glob Find Pfadnamen Passend zu einem pattern. isdir Zeigt an, ob der Dateiname ein Verzeichnis ist. isexecutable Zeigt an, ob der Dateiname executable. isfile ist. Zeigt an, ob der Dateiname eine reguläre Datei ist. islink Zeigt an, ob der Dateiname ein symbolischer Link ist. Schlüsselbar Zeigt an, ob eine Datei existiert und lesbar ist. isuploadedfile Zeigt an, ob die Datei über POST. iswritable hochgeladen wurde. Zeigt an, ob der Dateiname writable. iswriteable ist Alias ​​von iswritable. lchgrp Ändert die Gruppeneigentümer von symlink. lchown Ändert den Benutzer Besitz von symlink. link Erstellen Sie eine harte link. linkinfo Ruft Informationen über einen Link ab. lstat Gibt Informationen über eine Datei oder symbolische link. mkdir macht das Verzeichnis. moveuploadedfile Verschiebt eine hochgeladene Datei an eine neue location. parseinifile Parse eine Konfigurationsdatei. pars Einistring Parse a configuration string. pathinfo Liefert Informationen über eine Datei path. pclose Schließt die Prozessdatei pointer. popen Öffnet die Prozessdatei pointer. readfile Ausgibt eine Datei. readlink Gibt das Ziel eines symbolischen Links zurück. realpathcacheget Holen Sie sich Realpath Cache Einträge. realpathcachesize Holen Sie sich Realpath Cache Size. realpath Rückgabewert kanonisiertes absolutes Pfadname. restaurant Umbenennen einer Datei oder eines Verzeichnisses. Zurückspulen der Position einer Datei pointer. rmdir Entfernt Verzeichnis. setfilebuffer Alias ​​von streamsetwritebuffer. stat Gibt Informationen über eine Datei. Symlink Erstellt eine symbolische link. tempnam Erstellen Sie eine Datei mit Eindeutige Datei name. tmpfile Erstellt eine temporäre Datei. touch Setzt den Zugriff und die Änderungszeit von file. umask Ändert die aktuelle umask. unlink Löscht eine Datei. Benutzer Notizen 8 Notizen. Dazu beigetragen, dies auf eine Frage zur Einstellung dieser Variablen Diese Option ist in Ihren PHP-Skripts einstellbar Beispiel. Php iniset autodetectlineendings true content file. iniset autodetectlineendings false content2 file. Note, mit PHP 4 3 jederzeit Mac-Dateien werden mit fgets oder datei gelesen, die Sie benötigen, um autodetectlineendings zu haben, da n ansonsten angenommen wird. Allerdings wird mit PHP 5 0, streamgetline Ihnen erlauben Geben Sie an, welches Zeilenende Zeichen zu lesen ist. Lesen Sie eine Zeile aus einer MAC-Datei streamgetline fp, 4096, r. Lesen Sie eine Zeile aus einer UNIX-Datei streamgetline fp, 4096, n. Lesen Sie eine Zeile aus einer DOS-Datei streamgetline fp, 4096, r n. Lesen Sie eine Zeile bis zu jeder Dateisystemzeile, die iniset autodetectlineendings endet, true fgets fp. Sie können auch Ihre eigenen Linie endet Zeichen Lesen Sie bis zu der ersten Instanz von streamgetline fp, 4096.Sie haben eine Reihe von Verzeichnissen einfache Liste von Verzeichnissen. Und Sie möchten dieses Array zu Hierarchie von Verzeichnissen zu verwandeln. Wie können Sie tun It. First von allen die unten Funktion wird uns helfen. PHP Diese Funktion konvertiert echten Dateisystem Pfad, um die Zeichenfolge Array-Darstellung zum Beispiel, home drapeko var y wird in resultarray umgewandelt werden homed Drapeko var y wird in resultarray umgewandelt werden Drapeko var y param Pfad Realpath des Verzeichnisses Rücklauf String Array Darstellung der Pfad-Funktion PfadToArrayStr Pfad TODO Konstanten configs respath strreplace Array DIRECTORYSEPARATOR, Pfad, wenn das erste oder letzte Symbol löscht es zB für linux respath pregreplace Array, respath erstellen String respath strreplace respath. return respath. It einfach konvertiert den realen Pfad der Datei in Array String-Darstellung. Wie können Sie diese Funktion verwenden Ich weiß, es sieht aus wie ein wenig verwirrend Aber es ist ganz einfach Betrachten Sie das Beispiel unten. Php result array check array foreach array als val str pathToArrayStr val Ergebnis foreach check als ck wenn strpos ck str false weiter 2 check str eval Ergebnis str array printr result. Heh, wie findest du es Dieser Ansatz hat mir sehr geholfen Ich hoffe du Wird es nützlich finden. Ich habe diese Funktion zu suchen und oder zeigen Dateien durch Erweiterung oder für eine String-Auftreten im Dateinamen Alle Kommentare oder Verbesserungen sind willkommen offcourse Ich aktualisiere diese Funktion soon. usage listfiles string, string, int 1 0, int 1 0.Suche für Erweiterung listfiles string, string, 0, int 1 0 gibt Array zurück myArray listfiles string, string, 0, 0 echo Ergebnis listfiles string, string, 0, 1.search für string occurance listfiles string, string, 1, int 1 0 gibt Array zurück myArray listfiles string, string, 1, 0 echo Ergebnis listfiles string, string, 1, 1.function listfiles Verzeichnis stringSearch searchHandler outputHandler errorHandler false result array if VerzeichnisHandler opendir Verzeichnis Echo pre nerror Verzeichnisverzeichnis doesn t existieren n pre n return errorHandler true if searchHandler 0 while false fileName readdir directoryHandler if substr fileName - strlen stringSearch stringSearch arraypush Ergebnis fileName if searchHandler 1 while false fileName readdir directoryHandler if substrcount fileName stringSearch 0 arraypush Ergebnis fileName if errorHandler True count result 0 echo pre nerror no filetype fileExtension gefunden n pre n sonst Sortierergebnis if outputHandler 0 Rückgabe Ergebnis if outputHandler 1 echo pre n printr Ergebnis echo pre n. Einführung der Office 2007 Open XML Dateiformate. Nach dem Aufkommen von XML in der 1990er Jahre begann Corporate Computing Kunden, den geschäftlichen Wert bei der Übernahme offener Formate und der Standardisierung in den Computerprodukten und - anwendungen zu realisieren, auf die sie sich auf IT-Profis stützten, profitierten von dem gemeinsamen Datenformat, das mit XML möglich war, weil es von Anwendungen, Plattformen, Und Internet-Browser. Ebenso Witz H die Annahme der Unterstützung für XML in Microsoft Office 2000, begannen Entwickler zu sehen, die Notwendigkeit, von den Binärdateiformaten in früheren Versionen von Microsoft Office in das XML-Format Binärdateien dot xls und Dateien, die seit Jahren ein tolles, Job der Speicherung und dem Transport von Daten, waren nicht in der Lage, die neuen Arbeitsplatz-Herausforderungen, die leicht verschieben Daten zwischen disparate Anwendungen und damit die Benutzer zu lesen Business Einblick aus diesen Daten zu erfüllen. Das 2007 Microsoft Office-System setzt sich mit diesem Übergang durch die Annahme eines XML - Basiertes Dateiformat für Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Office Word 2007 und Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 Das neue Dateiformat, das so genannte Office Open XML-Formate, behandelt diese Workplace-Probleme mit Änderungen, die die Art und Weise beeinflussen, wie Sie Lösungen auf der Grundlage von Microsoft Office-Dokumenten ansprechen. Die neuen Formate verbessern das Datei - und Datenmanagement, die Datenwiederherstellung und die Interoperabilität mit Line-of-Business-Systemen. Sie erweitern das Mögliche Le mit den Binärdateien früherer Versionen Jede Anwendung, die XML unterstützt, kann auf Daten im neuen Dateiformat zugreifen und mit ihnen arbeiten. Die Anwendung muss nicht Teil des Microsoft Office-Systems oder sogar eines Microsoft-Produkts sein. Benutzer können auch Standard-Transformationen verwenden, um zu extrahieren Oder die Weitergabe der Daten Darüber hinaus werden Sicherheitsbedenken drastisch reduziert, da die Informationen in XML gespeichert sind, was im Wesentlichen einfacher Text ist. So können die Daten ohne Bedenken durch Unternehmens-Firewalls passieren. Die Office XML-Formate dürfen nicht mit dem Microsoft Windows XML-Papier verwechselt werden Spezifikationsformat Office XML-Formate verwenden die Open Packaging Conventions, die auch von der XML Paper Specification XPS verwendet werden. Allerdings sind die Formate in verschiedenen wichtigen Weisen unterschiedlich Das XPS ist ein paginiertes, festes Dokumentformat, das für das Microsoft Windows Vista Betriebssystem Office XML Formate eingeführt wurde Voll editierbare Dateiformate für Office Word 2007, Office Excel 2007 und Office PowerPoint 2007 Obwohl t Hey teilen Ähnlichkeiten in ihrer Verwendung von XML-und ZIP-Kompression, sie sind anders in Dateiformat Design und beabsichtigte Verwendung Für weitere Informationen, siehe die Open XML Formats Resource Center. Die neuen Office XML-Formate stellen eine Reihe von Vorteilen, die nicht nur Entwickler und Die Lösungen, die sie bauen, aber auch einzelne Benutzer und Organisationen aller Größen. Die folgenden Highlights sind einige der zusätzlichen Gesamtvorteile der Office XML-Formate. Einfache Integration von Geschäftsinformationen mit Dokumenten Office XML-Formate ermöglichen eine schnelle Erstellung von Dokumenten aus unterschiedlichen Datenquellen, Beschleunigung der Dokumentenmontage, Data Mining und Content Reuse Der Austausch von Daten zwischen Office Applikationen und Enterprise Business Systemen ist vereinfacht Darüber hinaus können Sie die Informationen in einem Office Dokument ändern oder aus den Dokumentenkomponenten erstellen, ohne die Office Applikation zu nutzen. Mitarbeiter können die Produktivität steigern Durch die Veröffentlichung, Suche und Wiederverwendung von Informationen schneller und nach Dringend in der Anwendung, die sie wählen, solange es das Lesen und Schreiben von XML unterstützt. Open und lizenzfrei Die Office XML Formate basieren auf XML - und ZIP-Technologien, so dass sie universell zugänglich sind Die Spezifikation für die Formate und Schemata wird veröffentlicht und Unter der gleichen Lizenzgebühr zur Verfügung gestellt, die heute für die Microsoft Office 2003 Referenzschemata existiert und die offen angeboten und für breite Industriezwecke verfügbar ist. Interoperable Mit Industrie-Standard-XML im Kern der Office XML-Formate, Datenaustausch zwischen Microsoft Office-Anwendungen und Enterprise-Business-Systeme vereinfacht Ohne Zugriff auf die Office-Anwendungen können Lösungen Informationen in einem Office-Dokument ändern oder ein Dokument erstellen, indem sie Standard-Tools und Technologien verwenden, die XML manipulieren können. Mit den neuen Formaten können Sie Archive ohne Dokumente erstellen Mit Office code. Robust Die Office XML Formate sind so konstruiert, dass sie robuster sind als die Binärfilme Rmats und damit zu helfen, das Risiko von verlorenen Informationen aufgrund von beschädigten oder beschädigten Dateien zu reduzieren Auch Dokumente, die außerhalb von Office erstellt oder geändert wurden, sind weniger wahrscheinlich zu korrupten, da Office-Anwendungen entworfen sind, um Dokumente mit verbesserter Zuverlässigkeit durch die Verwendung der neuen Formate wiederherzustellen Mit mehr und mehr Dokumenten, die durch E-Mail-Anhänge oder Wechselmedien reisen, erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Netzwerk - oder Speicherfehlers die Möglichkeit, dass ein Dokument beschädigt wird. Die neuen Dateiformate verbessern die Datenwiederherstellung durch Segmentierung und separates Speichern jedes Teils innerhalb des Dateipakets Dies hat das Potenzial, um Unternehmen enorme Geldmengen zu sparen und die Zeit, die die Wiederherstellung verlorener Daten verbraucht hat. Wenn eine Dateikomponente beschädigt ist, ist der Rest der Datei immer noch offen in der Anwendung. Wenn ein Diagramm beschädigt wird, verhindert dies nicht den Kunden Vom Öffnen der anderen Teile des Dokuments, ohne das Diagramm Darüber hinaus können Office-Anwendungen diese Mängel erkennen, a Nd versuchen, ein Dokument zu reparieren, wenn es durch die Wiederherstellung der richtigen Datenstruktur auf das Dokument zu reparieren. Efficient Die Office XML Formate verwenden ZIP und Kompressionstechnologien, um Dokumente zu speichern Ein wesentlicher Vorteil der neuen Formate ist wesentlich kleinere Dateigrößen bis zu 75 Prozent kleiner als Vergleichbare Binärdokumente Dies ist einer der Vorteile der Verwendung der Kombination von XML und der ZIP-Technologien zum Speichern von Dateien Da XML ein textbasiertes Format ist, das sich sehr gut komprimiert und der ZIP-Container die Komprimierung des Inhalts unterstützt, können Benutzer signifikante Reduzierungen der Datei erhalten Größe Diese Art der Dateikomprimierung bietet potenzielle Kosteneinsparungen, da sie den Speicherplatz reduziert, der zum Speichern von Dateien erforderlich ist, und verringert die Bandbreite, die benötigt wird, um Dateien per E-Mail, über Netzwerke und über das Web zu transportieren. Secure Die Offenheit der Office-XML-Formate übersetzt Zu sichereren und transparenten Dateien Sie können Dokumente vertraulich teilen, weil Sie leicht identifizieren und entfernen können p Persönlich identifizierbare Informationen und geschäftsspezifische Informationen wie Benutzernamen, Kommentare und Dateipfade Ebenso können Sie Dateien, die Inhalte enthalten, wie OLE-Objekte oder Microsoft Visual Basic für Applikationen VBA-Code, für spezielle Verarbeitung identifizieren. Die Dateiformate helfen auch Verbesserung der Sicherheit gegen Dokumente mit eingebettetem Code oder Makros Standardmäßig führen die neuen Word 2007-, Excel 2007- und PowerPoint 2007-Dateiformate keinen eingebetteten Code aus. Wenn also eine Person eine E-Mail-Nachricht mit einem Word-Dokument anhängt, ist er oder sie Könnte den Anhang öffnen, der das Dokument kennt, der keinen schädlichen Code ausführt. Die Office XML-Formate beinhalten ein spezielles Format mit einer separaten Erweiterung für Dateien mit eingebettetem Code, so dass IT-Mitarbeiter schnell Dateien identifizieren können, die Code enthalten. Backward-kompatibel Das 2007 Microsoft Office System ist rückwärtskompatibel mit diesen früheren Versionen Microsoft Office 2000, Microsoft Office XP und Microsoft Office 2003 Benutzer dieser Versionen ca N das neue Format mit wenig Aufwand annehmen und weiterhin maximalen Nutzen aus vorhandenen Dateien gewinnen. Speziell können sie weiterhin die älteren xls und Binärformate verwenden, die voll kompatibel mit dem Dateiformat 2007 sind. Benutzer von früheren Office-Versionen können kostenlos herunterladen Update, das es ihnen ermöglicht, Dateien im neuen Format aus ihren früheren Versionen zu öffnen und zu bearbeiten. Benutzer, die die 2007 Office-Version installieren, können die Standard-Dateiformate auf das jeweilige Format festlegen. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass Benutzer weiterhin mit Drittanbieter-Lösungen arbeiten können Basierend auf früheren Versionen und arbeiten mit ihren Kollegen, Lieferanten, Kunden und anderen, die aktualisiert haben. Bestellen Sie einen temporären Ordner, in dem die Datei und ihre parts. Save ein Word 2007-Dokument, mit Text, Bilder und andere Elemente, Als Datei. Add eine Erweiterung an das Ende des Dateinamens. Doppeln Sie auf die Datei Es wird in der ZIP-Anwendung zu öffnen Sie können die Teile, die die Datei enthalten. Extract die Teile auf die Fol der that you created previously. ZIP Package. Many elements go into creating a Microsoft Office document Some of these are commonly shared across all the Office applications, for example, document properties, style sheets, charts, hyperlinks, diagrams, and drawings Other elements are specific to each application, like worksheets in Excel, slides in PowerPoint, or headers and footers in Word. When users save a document with Office 2003 or previous versions of Microsoft Office, a single file is written to disk, which you can easily open This metaphor is important to how documents are stored, managed, and shared in practice By wrapping the individual parts of a 2007 Microsoft Office system file in a ZIP container, a document remains as a single file instance The use of a single package file to represent the entity of a single document means users have the same experience as with previous Office versions when saving and opening Office 2007 documents They can continue to work with just a singl e file. Figure 1 The file format container in the 2007 release. With previous Office versions, developers who wanted to manipulate the content of an Office document needed to know how to read and write data according to the structured storage defined within the binary file This process is complex and challenging, notably because the Office binary file formats were designed to be accessed primarily through the Office applications The formats reflected the in-memory structures of the applications and could run on low-memory computers with slow hard drives In addition, altering Office binary files programmatically without the Office applications was identified as a leading cause of file corruption This deterred some developers from even attempting to alter the files. ZIP was chosen as the package format for the Office XML Formats because it is a well-understood industry standard There are many tools available today to work with the ZIP format, and using ZIP provides a flexible, modular struc ture that allows for an expansion of functionality, going forward Therefore, you have access to the complete contents of 2007 Microsoft Office system documents by using any of the numerous tools and technologies that work with industry-standard ZIP files After you open a container file, you can manipulate any of the document parts found within the package that define the document For example, you can open a Word 2007 document that uses Office XML Formats, locate the XML part that represents the body of the Word document, alter the part by using any technology capable of editing XML, and return the XML part to the container package to create an updated Office document. Within an Office XML Formats package, many logical parts of the file are stored as individual files or parts This modularity is one of the important characteristics of the file format Modularity enables you to locate a specific part quickly and to work directly with just that part You can edit, exchange, or even remove doc ument parts depending on the preferred outcome of a specific business need. All the Office applications share some types of parts, such as the thumbnail, metadata, media, and relationships parts Others exist consistently within all files as a specific part, such as document properties Many parts, however, are unique to the application document type they represent For example, a worksheet part is only found in an Excel document, while a slide master part only appears in a PowerPoint document. It is important to note that, with a few exceptions defined within the Open Packaging Conventions, the actual file directory structure is arbitrary The relationships of the files within the package, not the file structure, are what determine file validity You can rearrange and rename the parts of an Office 2007 XML Formats file inside its ZIP container, provided that you update the relationships properly so that the document parts continue to relate to one another as designed If the relationships are accurate, the file opens without error The initial file structure in an Office XML Formats file is the default structure that is created This default structure enables you to determine the composition of Office XML Formats files easily Provided that you keep the relationships current, you can change this default file structure For more information about this, see Walkthrough Word 2007 Open XML File Format. Parts can be of different content types Parts used to describe Microsoft Office applications data are stored as XML These parts conform to the XML reference schema that defines the associated Office feature or object For example, in an Excel 2007 file, the data that represents a worksheet is found in an XML part that adheres to the Office schema for an Excel worksheet Additionally, if there were multiple worksheets in the workbook, there is a corresponding XML part stored in the package file for each worksheet All of the schemas that represent default Office document parts will be fu lly documented and made available from Microsoft with a royalty-free usage license Then, by using any standard XML-based technologies, you can apply your knowledge of the Office schemas to parse and create 2007 Microsoft Office system documents easily. In many scenarios, it is advantageous to store parts in their native content type These parts are not stored as XML Images in an Office document in the 2007 release, for example, are stored as binary files jpg, and other file types within the document package Therefore, you can open the package container by using a ZIP application and immediately view, edit, or replace the image in its native format Not only is this storage approach more accessible, it also requires less internal processing and disk space than storing an image as encoded XML Other notable parts stored as binary parts are VBA projects and embedded OLE objects Embedded OLE objects are binary only if the associated OLE server provides only a binary representation 2007 Micros oft Office system embedded documents, for example, embed their contents as another package For developers, accessibility makes many scenarios more attractive For example, you can build a solution that iterates a collection of 2007 Microsoft Office system documents to update an existing OLE object with a newer version You can accomplish this and any number of other scenarios without having to use the Office applications or alter the document-specific XML The next sections briefly describe some of the parts that are common to all of the Office products that support the Office XML Formats The types and numbers of parts depend on the application that creates the ZIP container file For example, Word 2007 creates document-related parts, but PowerPoint 2007 creates parts related to slide presentations. rels Folder. This folder contains a file that defines the root relationships within the package This is the first place you should go to start parsing through the package. Contains relationships b ased on the start part the virtual start part Relationships are defined with the following format. Main Document Part. The target of the relationship is the main part defining the document the presentation part for PowerPoint, the workbook part for Excel, or the document part for Word All other relationships are based on the main document part. Application Folder such as Word. Contains application-specific, document component files such as for Word. Contains the data text in the document, plus styles and font settings. Contains information about footers in the document, such as what page they are on and some styles information. Contains information similar to that found in the file, but regarding headers. Is a copy of the original document. Contains information about the styles found in the document, such as font sizes, table styles, and bulleted lists. Contains any audio-type files, such as mp3, or files. Provides a listing of the content types for the other parts that are contained in the package Content types are defined as the types of parts that can be stored in a package. Table 2 Content types in a ZIP container. Parts are the individual elements that make up an Office document in the 2007 release Relationships are the method used to specify how the collection of parts relate together to form the actual document You use XML to define relationships Relationships specify the connection between a source part and a target resource For example, you can identify the connection between a slide and an image that appears on that slide by a relationship Relationships are stored within XML parts or relationship parts in the document container If a source part has multiple relationships, all subsequent relationships are listed in t he same XML relationship part. Relationships play an important role in Office XML Formats Every document part is referred to by at least one relationship The use of relationships makes it possible to discover how one part relates to another part without having to look within the content of parts Within parts, all references to relationships are represented using a Relationship ID, which allows all connections between parts to stay independent of content-specific schema. Figure 2 High-level relationship diagram of an Excel 2007 workbook. The following is an example of a relationship part in an Excel 2007 workbook containing two worksheets. It is also important to note that relationships represent not only internal document references but also external resources For example, if a document contains linked pictures or objects, these are also represented using relationships This makes links in a document to external sources easy to locate, inspect, and change It offers you the opportunity to re pair broken external links, validate unfamiliar sources, or remove potentially harmful links. The use of relationships in Office XML Formats benefits developers in a number of ways Relationships simplify the process of locating content within a document because you do not need to parse document-specific XML to find parts you also do not need to parse document-specific XML to find internal and external document resources Relationships enable you to take inventory of all the content within a document quickly For example, if you need to count the number of worksheets in an Excel workbook, you can inspect the relationships for how many sheet parts exist You can also use relationships to examine the type of content in a document This is helpful in situations where you need to identify if a document contains a particular type of content that may be harmful such as an OLE object that is suspect or helpful such as in a scenario where you want to extract all JPEG images from a document for reuse elsewhere. Relationships also enable you to manipulate documents without having to learn application-specific syntax or content markup For example, without any knowledge of how to program PowerPoint, a developer solution could easily remove extraneous slides for a presentation by editing the document s relationships. Macro-Enabled Files vs Macro-Free Files. Default 2007 Microsoft Office system documents saved in Office XML Formats are intended to be macro-free files, and therefore cannot contain code This behavior ensures that malicious code, residing in a default document, can never be executed unexpectedly While 2007 Microsoft Office system documents can still contain and use macros, the user or developer must save these documents as a macro-enabled document type This safeguard will not affect your ability to build solutions, but allows organizations to use documents with more confidence. Macro-enabled files have the exact same file format as macro-free files, but contain additional par ts that macro-free files do not The additional parts depend on the type of automation found in the document A macro-enabled file that uses VBA contains a binary part that stores the VBA project Any Excel workbook that uses Excel 4 0 style macros XLM macros or any PowerPoint presentation that contains command buttons are also saved as macro-enabled files If a code-specific part is found in a macro-free file, whether placed there accidentally or maliciously, the Office applications will not allow the code to execute without exception. You can now determine if any code exists within a 2007 Microsoft Office system document before opening it Previously this advance notice was not something that could be easily accomplished outside Office You can inspect the package file for the existence of any code-based parts and relationships without running Office and without running potentially risky code If a file looks suspicious, you can remove any parts capable of executing code from the file, so th at the code can cause no harm. File Name Extensions.2007 Microsoft Office system documents saved by using Office XML Formats have new file name extensions that allow Office to differentiate these file format documents from binary documents used by previous Office versions The new extensions borrow from the existing binary file name extensions by appending a letter to the end of the suffix The default extensions for documents created in Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 using the new file formats append the letter x and are xlsx, and respectively Other Office document types that use the new file formats including templates, add-ins, and PowerPoint shows also receive new extensions. Another new change introduced in the 2007 Office release is that there are different extensions for files that are macro-enabled versus those that are macro-free Macro-enabled documents include a file name extension that ends with the letter m instead of an x For example, a macro-enabled Word 2007 docu ment has the extension, and thereby allows any users or software applications, before a document opens, to identify that it contains code. Table 3 List of file name extensions for Word 2007 document types. Word 2007 File Type. The Office XML Formats introduce or improve on many types of solutions involving documents that you can build You can access the contents of an Office document in the new file formats by using any tool or technology capable of working with ZIP archives You can then manipulate the document content using any standard XML processing techniques, or, for parts that exist as embedded native formats such as images , process using any appropriate tool for that object type. In addition, being able to open the container file of a 2007 Microsoft Office system document manually as a ZIP archive has some interesting benefits for developers For example, when building Office-based solutions, you can examine the contents and structure of a document without having to write any code T his facility can be very helpful in solution design and when building prototypes. After you are inside a 2007 Microsoft Office system document, the structure makes it easy to navigate a document s parts and its relationships, whether it is to locate information, change content, or remove elements from a document Having the use of XML, along with the published Office reference schemas, means you can easily create additional documents, add data to existing documents, or search for specific content in a body of documents. The rest of this article explores some scenarios in which Office XML Formats enable document-based solutions These few are only part of an almost endless list of possibilities. Content Sharing and Reuse. Managing Sensitive Information. Data Interoperability. The emergence of XML as a popular standard for data exchange means the new Office XML Formats make document-based data more accessible among heterogeneous systems Whether users are sharing document data across a department , or two organizations are trading business data, XML as a default file format for Microsoft Office documents means Office applications can participate in business processes without the limitations previously imposed by the binary formats. The openness of the new file formats unlocks data and introduces a broad, new level of integration beyond the desktop For example, you could refer to the published specification of the new file formats to create data-rich documents without using an Office application Server-side applications could process documents in bulk to enable large-scale solutions that mesh enterprise data within the familiar, flexible Office applications You could use standard XML protocols, such as XPath a common XML query language and Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations XSLT to retrieve data from documents or to update the contents inside a document from external data. One such scenario could involve personalizing thousands of documents to distribute to customers Y ou could insert information programmatically into a standard document template by using a server application that uses XML that you extracted from an enterprise database or customer relationship management CRM application Creating these documents is highly efficient because there is no requirement to run Office applications yet the capability still exists for producing high-quality, rich Office documents. The use of custom schemas in Office is another way you can use documents to share data Information that was once locked in a binary format is now easily accessible and, therefore, documents can serve as openly exchangeable data sources Custom schemas not only make insertion or extraction of data simple, they also add structure to documents and are capable of enforcing data validation. Content Manipulation. Editing the contents of existing Office documents is another valuable example where Office XML Formats enhance a process The edit could involve updating small amounts of data, swapping entire parts, removing parts, or adding new parts altogether By using relationships and parts, the new file formats make content easier to find and manipulate The use of XML and XML schema means you can use common XML technologies, such as XPath and XSLT, to edit data within document parts in virtually endless ways. One scenario might involve the need to edit text in the header of a Word document Of course, it is not logical to automate that task for one document But, in another scenario, what if a company merged and needed to update their new company name in the header of hundreds of different pieces of documentation A developer could write code that loops through all the documents, locates the header part in the Word file structure, and performs an XPath query to find the old text Then it could insert the new text, replace the header part, and repeat the process until every document is updated Automation could save a lot of time, enable a process that might otherwise not be attempted , and prevent potential errors that might occur during a manual process. Another scenario might be one in which an existing Office document must be updated by changing only an entire part In an Excel 2007 workbook, you could replace an entire worksheet that contained old data or outdated calculation models with a new one by overwriting its part This kind of updating also applies to binary parts You could swap an existing image, or even an OLE object, out for a new one, as necessary You could update a Microsoft Office Visio drawing embedded as an OLE object in Office documents, for example, by overwriting that binary part You could update URLs in hyperlinks to point to new locations. Following are some additional application-specific scenarios. Content Manipulation in Word 2007.It is a common business practice to incorporate boilerplate text inside a Word document For example, an official legal disclaimer or a disclosure of terms and conditions can be required in every public document crea ted by an organization Another typical example of boilerplate is a Company Overview section that is used in authoring sales proposals or public releases of company announcements Word offers features, such as AutoText, that are capable of accomplishing the insertion of formatted text, but this feature is limited in scale because it requires either Word automation or direct user interaction. Word 2007 offers a very flexible alternative for you to insert content into a document The Word XML Format allows you to add document parts, called document building blocks, that are referred to by the overall document when it opens in Word This means you can build a library of document building blocks, which you can derive from document formats that Word is capable of rendering, and programmatically reuse them as needed in Word document solutions. This broader ability to manipulate Word content offers some interesting scenarios, such as server-side document assembly Going back to the example given pre viously, you can automatically insert a legal disclaimer into a document created on a server Imagine a multinational company that requires that all of its documents contain a legal disclaimer in local languages The company could create the appropriate language-specific disclaimers as files and save them on a server An application that is constructing documents can insert the corresponding document fragment for the language required as a part inside the document container This fragment is then rendered as a seamless part of a Word document. Content Manipulation in Excel 2007.To optimize loading and saving performance and file size, Excel 2007 stores only one copy of repetitive text within the Excel file To do so, Excel implements a shared string table in a document part specified by the target of the relationship Each unique text value found within a workbook is listed once in this part Individual worksheet cells then reference the string table to derive their values. While this process o ptimizes the Excel XML Format, it also introduces some interesting opportunities for additional content manipulation solutions Developers in a multinational organization could use the shared string table to offer a level of multilanguage support Instead of building unique workbooks for each language supported, a single workbook could use string tables that correspond to different languages Another possibility is to use string tables to search for keyword terms inside a collection of workbooks Processing a single, text-only XML document of strings is faster and simpler than having to manipulate the Excel object model over many worksheets and workbooks. Content Manipulation in PowerPoint 2007.When a PowerPoint 2007 presentation is stored using the PowerPoint XML Format, the content remains highly accessible Because this is the first version of PowerPoint to offer an XML format, it opens up many scenarios not possible in previous versions You now have full access to slides and slide notes as text Solutions that require searching, indexing, and creating presentation content are now possible You can easily produce data-driven presentations using XML And, you can access slide masters and slide layouts through XML parts to programmatically format existing or new PowerPoint presentations. You can take a different approach to assembling or reusing content from PowerPoint presentations by building an application that uses a catalog of slides stored independently of existing presentations Slides are represented as individual XML parts, therefore, a solution can optimize the way an organization stores and manages PowerPoint 2007 slides as data You can even write a slide viewer that allows a user to discover and select slides to build a presentation from outside PowerPoint The application can even be Web-based to allow centralized management. Content Sharing and Reuse. The modularity of Office XML Formats opens up the possibility for generating content once and then repurposing it i n a number of other documents As a developer, you can imagine building a number of core templates and reusing portions as building blocks for other documents You could use a table created in one Word document, for example, in other Word documents You can build charts which have a common schema across 2007 Microsoft Office system applications once and reuse them a number of times in different document types The accessibility of the format lends itself to unlimited content-sharing opportunities. One such scenario could be one in which there is a need to build a repository of images used in documents You can create a solution that extracts images out of a collection of Office documents and allow users to reuse them from a single point of access Because Office documents in the 2007 release store images intact as binary parts, you can build the solution and maintain a library of images easily Then, users who want to incorporate previously used images do not need to browse through an entire c ollection of documents, opening and closing each individually, to find images They can use the custom application to find images in the repository and immediately insert them into the document with which they are working. You can build a similar application that reuses document thumbnail images extracted from documents, and add a visual aspect to a document management process. Document Assembly. One of the most common requests from developers is for the ability to create Microsoft Office documents on a server without automating the Microsoft Office applications Organizations needing to produce complex, data-enriched documents or to assemble documents in mass quantities want more efficient processing for high-end purposes Technically, Office applications were not written and were not supported to run from a server. In the Microsoft Office 2003 Editions, the introduction of XML document formats that could be produced according to the Office 2003 XML Reference Schemas helped overcome this lim itation Any technology capable of assembling XML can build a Word or Excel document, as long as it adheres to the Office schemas It was a tremendous advance at the time, but, unfortunately, it only applied to Excel and Word, and only Word truly offered full fidelity in its XML file support The 2007 Office release builds on this effort by adding PowerPoint XML files and ensuring that both PowerPoint XML files and Excel XML files are also full-fidelity. This advance in technology means that, with the 2007 Office release, you can build an Office solution that produces Excel, Word, and PowerPoint documents without ever opening Office The solution must create XML according to the schemas in the 2007 release and build the package contents as defined by the Office XML Formats Although the Office schemas are quite extensive, to fully represent the rich feature sets that the Microsoft Office applications provide, all structures defined by the format are not required to generate a document Each o f the Office applications is capable of opening the file with a minimal amount of items defined, thereby making it easy to create many documents. Note that document assembly does not pertain to only new documents, either Of course, by following the rules of Office XML Formats, you can build documents programmatically without using Office But often document assembly often means building documents by using portions of existing documents, data, and other content The new Office XML Formats fit well in this scenario because they have a modular architecture and their content is XML-based. A document assembly example also applies to PowerPoint presentations Many organizations have vast collections of PowerPoint files that have reusable value Users often borrow slides from several pre-existing presentations to create an additional or related presentation Finding, coordinating, and integrating copying and pasting slides is typically a time-consuming, redundant process that many organizations want automated for customer-facing presentations With the 2007 Office release, individual slides within a PowerPoint presentation file are readily accessible because each one is self-contained in its own XML part within the presentation container package A custom solution can use this architecture to automate the assembly process for presentations completely You can use custom XML to hold metadata pertaining to individual slides, thus allowing users to search them easily by using predefined keywords After a user selects a slide, the solution inserts the slide s XML part into the assembled presentation and creates the reference relationship. Document Security. Security is very important today in information technology Office XML Formats help you to be more confident about working with Office documents and delivering solutions that consider document security With the new file formats, you can build solutions that search for and remove any identified potential vulnerabilities before they cause issues. For example, if a company needs a solution to prepare documents either for storage in an archive library, where they never need to run custom code, or for sending macro-free documents to a customer You can write an application that removes all VBA code from a body of Office documents by iterating through the documents and removing the part specified by the target of the relationship The result is a collection of higher-quality documents. In addition, the Office XML Formats provide one file type only for each product in the 2007 release for Word xlsm for Excel, and for PowerPoint in which you can execute macro code Any file types that do not end with the m suffix, even those that do contain macro code, will not execute that code This helps guarantee that users are safe from malicious software when working with those file types. Unfortunately, macro code is not the only potential security threat for Office users Recently, security vulnerabilities were detected in binary files You ca n circumvent potential risks from binary files, such as OLE objects and images, by interrogating Office documents and removing any exposures that arise For example, if a specific OLE object is identified as a known security threat, you can create an application to locate and cleanse or quarantine any documents containing the object Likewise, you can readily identify any external references made from a 2007 Microsoft Office system document by examining the relationship parts This identification enables solution developers to decide if external resources referred to from a document are trustworthy or require corrective action. You can block parts by content-type and relationships For example, if an IT administrator becomes aware that images can contain a security threat, group policy settings can be used to disallow the loading of image gif content in 2007 Microsoft Office system documents After deploying the proper security patches, the setting can be turned off, and the IT administrator can be confident that users were protected quickly. You can also block parts through format policies For example, if the IT administrator discovers a vulnerability in which malformed comments can cause PowerPoint to fail with an exploitable buffer overrun, users and their computers can be protected by the deployment of an Office file format policy This time, rather than blocking by content type because in this case, it is an XML containing text , comments are blocked specifically, by blocking the relationship type To do this, administrators can use Microsoft Office policy templates files to set these options For more information about using Office policy templates, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article Administrators Can Use Office Policy Templates with the Group Policy Settings of Windows. Managing Sensitive Information. As you seek to protect users from malicious content, you can also help protect users from accidentally sharing data inappropriately This inappropriate data might be in the form of personally identifiable information PII stored within a document, or tracked changes, comments, and annotations so marked that they should not leave the department or organization You can programmatically remove both types of information directly without having to scour an entire document To remove document comments, for example, you can check for the existence of a comment part relationship and, if found, remove the associated comment part. Besides securing PII and comments, Office XML Formats enable access to this information that may be useful in other ways You could create a solution that uses PII data to return a list of documents authored by an individual person or from a specific organization With the new file formats, you can produce this list without having to open Office or use its object model Similarly, an application could loop through a folder or volume of Office documents and aggregate all of the comments within the documents You can apply additional criter ia to qualify the comments and help users better manage the collaboration process as they create documents. Document Styling. Like so many other aspects of Office documents using Office XML Formats, document styles, formatting, and fonts are maintained in separate XML parts within the container package So, once again, you can create solutions that take advantage of this separation Some organizations have very specific document standards, and managing these can be quite time-consuming However, you can, for example, modify or replace fonts in documents without opening Office. Also, it is a common practice to have a document or collection of documents that contain the same content, but that were formatted differently by another department, location, subsidiary, or targeted customer You can maintain the content within a single set of documents, and then apply a new set of styles, as necessary To do this, you exchange the part specified by the target of the relationship with another part This ability to exchange simplifies the process of controlling a document s presentation without having to manage content in numerous documents. Document Profiling. Managing documents effectively has been a long-standing issue in information technology practices In Microsoft Office 2003, you have access to the traditional Office document properties, such as Author, Title, Subject, and other properties, using OLE In the new Office XML Formats, document properties are also readily accessible, because they reside in their own part within a document The following is an example of a Document Properties part in a Word file. The File Format Structure in Excel 2007.In addition to the parts that each Office product has in common such as XML data parts, relationships parts, and media parts , Excel also provides separate parts for a workbook, sheets, and such entities as charts, PivotTable dynamic views, and so forth. The File Format Structure in PowerPoint 2007.PowerPoint uses many of the same parts as t he other products in its file format, with the addition of those objects specific to slide presentation, such as individual slide parts, a master slide part, presentation data, and so forth. The File Format Structure in Word 2007.Likewise, Word users can expect to see additional parts relating to document properties, styles and formatting, footers, headers, endnotes, and so forth. The following steps illustrate creating a custom Ribbon user interface UI in Excel 2007 that contains the components to call a custom macro by modifying a macro-enabled workbook file In this sample, you do the following. Create an Excel workbook with one macro and save the workbook as an Office XML Formats macro-enabled file. Create a Ribbon extensibility customization file with one tab, one group, and one button. Specify a callback event in the button to call the macro you created in the document. Modify the contents of the macro-enabled document container file to point to the Ribbon extensibility customization fi le. Save the macro-enabled file and open it in Excel. To create a macro-enabled Office XML Formats file in Excel. Start Excel 2007.Click the Developer tab, and then click Visual Basic. If you do not see the Developer tab, you need to identify yourself as a developer To do this, in your application, click the Microsoft Office Button click Excel Options click Personalize and then select Show Developer tab in the Ribbon This is a global setting and identifies you as a developer in all other Office applications that implement the Ribbon UI. In the Visual Basic Editor, double-click ThisWorkbook to open the code window. Type the following VBA subroutine and then close the Visual Basic Editor. Save the workbook as an Office XML Formats macro-enabled file. To create the XML file that contains the markup to modify the UI. Create a folder on your desktop called customUI. Open a new file in a text editor and save it as in the customUI folder. Add the following code to the file. Next, you modify some of the f iles contained in the macro-enabled file container that you created previously. Add a extension to the workbook file name and double-click to open the file. Add the customization file to the container by dragging the customUI folder from the desktop to the ZIP file. Extract the file to your desktop A rels folder containing the file is copied to your desktop. Open the file and add the following line between the last Relationship tag and the Relationships tag This creates a relationship between the workbook file and the customization file. Close and save the file. Add the rels folder back to the container file by dragging it from the desktop, overwriting the existing file. Rename the workbook file to its original name by removing the extension. Open the workbook and notice that the Ribbon UI now displays My Tab. Click the button and the message box is displayed. Users, organizations, and developers benefit from the advantages of the Office XML Formats in the 2007 release of the Microsoft Office sy stem As open, default file formats based on XML, the new file formats unlock the possibilities for many new solution types and scenarios that you can build You can access documents as sources of data, manipulate them without the Office applications, and process them in enterprise solutions Organizations that combine existing business system investments with the Microsoft Office system platform, the 2007 Office release, and the new XML-based file formats can only benefit.

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